Drush autocomplete in bash shellFor shell users like me, Drush autocomplete is a bliss. This blog will tell you how you can autocomplete Drush commands in bash shell. The commands provided ...
Quick and easy Drush sql syncDrush provides an excellent tool sql-sync to sync database between two machines. I needed this tool to synchronize my local database with production database...
Extend old sessions in DrupalIn this article I will explain how you can change session cookie lifetime for “old sessions” in Drupal. This kind of requirement may seem too localized, but ...
How to make magnesium sulphate pasteMagnesium sulphate(or epsom salt) paste is good for skin. It prevents skin inflammation, and prevents wrinkles. It is easy to make magnesium sulphate paste.
Create Read Update Delete data table in DrupalThis blog post is about how you can create, read, update and delete entries from data table in Drupal. Data table can be used to create custom database table...